英语中有motel(专为开汽车的游客开设的、有停车场的旅馆),time clock(出勤记录钟), 类似这样的英语词在汉语中都找不到对应词,连词义相近的词也没有,因为根本没有这种概 念。
real-time clock [计] 实时时钟 ; 实时时计 ; 真实时钟 ; 即时钟
real time clock 实时时钟 ; 实时钟 ; 即时时钟
mean-time clock [天] 平时钟 ; 平常钟
elapsed time clock 计时时钟
Real time clock error 实时时钟错误 ; 实常常钟错误
ZPAY Time Clock Window 考勤计薪统计工具
World Time Clock 世界时钟 ; 世界钟 ; 世界时间
Dish Time Clock 随时都是用餐时钟 ; 餐时钟
N a clock which records, by punching or stamping cards inserted into it, the time of arrival or departure of people, such as employees in a factory 出勤记录钟
We have John standing by the time clock, and he swears he saw nothing irregular.
A real-time clock circuit(X1228)is applied to be an hourmeter, data memorizer and alarm in speedometer.
Genius does not punch a time clock.